Monday, July 14, 2008

RAT & Roach GIRL

My second class had to tell my tutor that there was a roach on the desk where she was sitting. I was sooooo embarrassed, but she said she had already seen it when she was going over the lesson with them.

I am at work sitting in the classroom and guess what happens, mimi comes out. Thank God the kids had left, but it was still nasty. I teased my co-worker last week because it was visiting her classroom. I guess it just came on over to my room. Hopefully, it will leave tonight. Ugh, so gross. This is why I keep telling the kids they shouldn't eat all over the building.


HeyShae! said...

Wow. How often does the school exterminate. I don't think I could function properly in there.

foxxychica said...

That is ancient chinese secret. lol Probably never.