Monday, October 13, 2008

My Breast are Fine

I just wanted to update everyone on my lastest appointment. My breast are fine. I had an ultrasound today and they look good. I have to go back in 6 months, but I feel a whole lot better. I will keep you all updated.


Unknown said...

Yay! Congrats!

foxxychica said...

Thanks, I was a bit worried about this visit, even though the first visit didn't show anything to alarm me.

AMY said...

I'm so glad you had good news. We need you!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

Nice spot u have here, hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day

rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me

Shop Girl said...

YAY!!! sorry I have been behind on reading your blog and I just saw this today

A W. Bolden said...


This is good news. I have reading your past posts and I felt the need to respond. Every woman should schedule a yearly mammogram. The medical profession has its guidelines. I believe testing should start at age 25. I know a young lady (recently lost her mother to cancer) who was tested. The dr. found a benign lump, which was removed.

Men: Make sure every woman in your caring circle is having a yearly mammogram. Please be discreet. Do not use as an opportunity for a come-on. This is a serious, life-and-death matter. My friend recently saw her mother lose the battle fighting stage 4 br. cancer. And while we're on the subject, Men, please get your yearly DRE and PSA. If you don't know what those are, click on the hyperlinks. Dr. Terry Mason, World renown Urologist, founder of Prairie Medical Associates and City of Chicago Health Commissioner,hosts Dr. in the House on WVON 1690-AM in Chicago. Listen to his show

Women: your know this subject is important. There are events and a plethora of news items concerning this issue. Please schedule your yearly exam and schedule a screening. And tell a friend. Sometimes, you need to make the appointment and take them without telling them where you're going. It's because you love them. And send the men in your life for their yearly PSA and DRE. Recently, Robert Novak died due to brain cancer, however, he had prostate cancer first. Dr. Ben Carson, Dick Gregory, Min. Louis Farrakhan, and Les Brown have also had this condition.

fd - don't cha evah close dis here blog. And I used dat there language because I knows youse teach English!

Blogmaster of The Echo, concerning Abraham Bolden, first African American US Secret Service Agent assigned to the White House Detail by JFK